Thursday, February 14, 2008

Run #19 Weds 13/2

Decided to go for a better run tonight, was feeling more energetic.

Did a good 4.5 miles, at a slowish pace and managed a respectable time too.

That's the other thing as well, i'm not so anxious about watching the clock for times as I was when I started (see early posts with convoluted calculations). I'm now more concerned with the distance, which, in hindsight, should always have been my main worry.

I think 13 odd miles is doable, maybe not easily, but I don't doubt i'll finish. Occasionally, I think 'could I do under 2 hours?' then think more realistic thoughts about 2.30...

Run #18 Tues 12/2 3.5

Had a rest on Monday, that long run on Saturday (and the smaller one on Sunday) tired out my legs...

So, had a quick run round the block, 3.5 miles. Very quick it was too. One thing I noticed was that I only tend to know how long a run took when I get back home - I don't have a watch.

Perhaps I should buy one.

Without, I tend to have a feel for how fast things are going, which is often wrong. So if i'm feeling like it's going slowly, i'll speed up a wee bit, and it'll end up faster than if I knew I was going at a reasonable pace in the first place...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Run #17 Sun 10/2

After previous days effort, wanted an easy one. A quick 3 miler round the lanes near me. It was early evening; it was getting cold, and i'd been out all day with the kids.

So found it quite hard, and my legs were still grumbling about yesterday, even though they'd been find until then.

Run #16 Saturday 9/2 - long run

Had a tinker with google maps, and found that from my house to Bradford On Avon - along the canal - was about 9.5 miles. So I did that.

A bit of cross country to join the canal, and then (obviously) flat straight through. Was a nice day too - set off about 11.30 - and it was getting warm. Did it in 1.5 hours, and didn't feel too bad at all, took it at a quite restful sort of pace (ie not out of breath, too much...)

Run #15 Friday 8/2

I was travelling all week, so little (in fact zero) chance of going out running. (although saying that, I did manage to trek all the way from my colleagues office to the Atomium in Brussels, a 4 mile hike).

So, after several days out, went out on Friday. Was quite tough, but went on a longish route - about 4 miles - and didn't stop (except for traffic once or twice).