Friday, October 19, 2007


... of the chesty variety, no running...

Hopefully better by the weekend.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Got a cold...

sniff, snort, cough.

Not good for going for a run.

And neither is the rain. Add 'lightweight waterproof' to shopping list.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Run #2

It was a nice day yesterday then, so before tea, I went for another run.

I deliberately slowed down my pace, and I was clearly having to stop less, and covered more distance. By the look of it, it was about 2.4 miles, in less than 30 minutes. So, er, 30 / 2.4 * 13.2 = 2.75 hours. Better. Seems a tortoise / hare thing.

It's the stamina I think, maybe i'll have to upgrade to 1 hour runs at some time.

Still need to buy some shoes. And jogging bottoms. Will do that before I go running again.